Vinnie Rodriguez
6 min readFeb 23, 2020


Why You Should Attend More Conferences

How often do you see somebody successful and wonder how lucky they just be to have that success? How often do you compare it to your current business or venture and realize, “I don’t have that,” or “oh, he did that but that’s him, I could never do that, it doesn’t apply to me.” You start to play the comparison game and it sinks you down a spiraling drain of de-motivation.

How many times have you heard the saying, “stop comparing yourself to over people?” I’m going to challenge your thinking on that.

I’m actually going to dispel a lot of myths that are keeping you from your true potential (thank me later by sharing this post to somebody who needs to hear this).

I suggest you do indeed play the comparison game, but the right way. Too many people are playing the comparison game the wrong way, and that’s where they get themselves in trouble into self sabotage. You see, comparison is a good thing, in fact, when we start comparing ourselves with someone, we are using that to come into self awareness with where we are in our current lives. The moment you compare is now time for you to look inward and focus one what vulnerability did you encounter within yourself that forced you to step out of yourself to enter somebody else’s world and make them seem like they live the best most perfect life ever? You’re going through a break through and it’s a perfect moment for you to make some inner tweaks, grab one tool that attracted you about that person’s so-called perfect life and apply it into your own. Isn’t that why you like it? So adopt it into your own life

I won’t bore you with the research, at least for this article, but we learn mostly through osmosis, examples of that including hanging around people who have the things or are acting in the ways we aspire to. The more we hang around them, the more we become like them. Problem is, we hang around our loved ones so much who love is just the way we are that we become fat in satisfaction with where we are and never challenge ourselves to move forward

Until you discover that you’re stuck and find ways to get out of the web. The only way to get yourself out is stretch that web so wide that you break free and can do with it as you would like. That’s why I come to the 10X growth conference.

The first time I went, it was surreal. I had been watching a guy like Grant Cardone for years on YouTube and he taught me core principles about business, sales, marketing and scaling.

Big think. 10X the normal think that most people drag along with them. He was the first person to articulate that there is a vast network of individuals — Business people, investors, entertainers, moguls and artists alike — who make the world go around, and they all have one thing in common that led to their success. They all though massive and they took massive action. Ten times the amount of action and effort they thought was required to where they were.

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Back in the 2017 when the first ever 10X Growth Conference was announced, I was working in the kitchen at Olive Garden making $11 an hour living in my mom’s house, watching the live stream because I couldn’t afford the ticket to go to Vegas in person.

I remember how badly I wanted to be there. To be around these people who were speaking to massive crowd and changing lives, guys like Grants guests Daymond John (Shark Tank and owner of clothing empire Fubu) and Russell Brunsen (founder of the worldwide Click Funnels movement).

Yet here I was. I wreaked of chicken parm and fettuccini Alfredo on my shoe, watching thousands of miles away. I was lost. But lookin back at it now, it’s amazing what the power of association does to you.

I remember tapping into his university and seeing how if I just kept training every day, learning sales, handling rebuttals and drilling closes, I can eventually get myself out of this mess. It’s crazy because one day I step out on a hot summer day for a quick break, and checked my phone and saw that a sales I made online just made me $700. It was my old Casio electric piano.

That’s when it hit. I’m working like a donkey countless hours to make only $200 that week while, in the meantime, a sale was made with no investment of my time other than the time it took to post a descriptive ad. I made more on 1 sale for the whole month than all those work hours

Fast forward three 10X growth conferences later. I just hit my first $10K month in commissions in February 2020.

What made the leap? Association

Every conference I’ve been to, I’ve continued to surround myself with the over 70,000 attendees who I’ve met at the conference including speakers and they have something not every successful business owner has. Drive the do more. They are powered by purpose to serve more people. This is a community.

10Xers are wired differently. We are freaks. We are willing to do whatever it takes to our food on the table, always with ethics at heart. This is the only group that has a culture where we are exited to be able to sell each other stuff and market to each other because we know that it is lifting ourselves up and we are contributing to each other’s Economy.

And the success stories are amazing. I’ve met people who have attained incredible 30X and 200X gains in their companies over the years, so it takes me back to comparing.

Danelle Delgado (left)

Pete Vargas (right)

When you put yourself in that stream, the stronger the stream, you become like a success salmon. The stronger the stream, the faster and more powerfully you’re going to get to the destination because it’s pushing you. So you need to get on somebody’s channel that will propel you forth. And when everybody who is attending is operating at a 10X level, that’s when you gain serious momentum.

The stronger the stream, the faster and more powerfully you’re going to get to the destination

Every time I’ve been to the 10X conference, I’ve gotten better and bigger and my income has reflected that. And it’s only the beginning. 10X growth con 5 is Feb 2021 and I’m already all I’m on Attending again.

Tomorrow I will share with you specific insights I’ve discovered about the last day of the conference Feb 23 and what are some things you can apply in your business right away.

Just for you reading through this entire article, I’ve prepared a FREE GIFT for you that will skyrocket your financial success in 2020. Go to to learn more.

Follow me on Twitter and IG @8figurevision



Vinnie Rodriguez

Vinnie is an enthusiastic and energetic thought leader on core principles and philosophies in business that transcend into our everyday lives.